Saturday, February 21, 2009

Made it to Zambia!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie asked me to be her ghost writer until she has access to a computer that allows her to log on to her blog. After a few blips in getting final approval (ugh) Carrie was allowed to attend the Peace Corps "staging" in Washington DC and to board the plane to Africa last Wednesday. She is glad to report she arrived and that she finds everything to be "amazing". Tomorrow she departs for her "cite visit" and will be staying with another Carrie, the Carrie of "Carrie in Zambia" blog fame. Check out her blog to see what our Carrie will be experiencing. She will return to Lasaka on Thursday to begin language training- I assume she will need to decide on a future location since different areas of Zambia speak different languages. The village that "Carrie in Zambia" lives in speaks bomba. Her blog describes some of the difficulty she has had learning and implementing it even after two years. Our Carrie faces many challenges but I have no doubt she will succeed. It will be interesting to find out if our Carrie elicits screams of fear from the small children in the village like the other Carrie still experiences. Will she be able to bathe herself with that half full glass of water with villagers standing around? How big are the bugs? Stay tuned for her updates. ----Carrie's Dad


Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie this is Brittany,s Dad Brian. Keep an eye on her for me. You American alums need to stick together. And to Carrie,s Dad if you like give us a call or e-mail we would love to chat about our girls. Peace
Cathy & Brian

631 666-4889

Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie, so glad you all made it safely to Zambia. This is Ann Marie's mom from New York. Take care of each other and tell her her mom sends huggs to her and all of you!

Carrie said...

Aw, you parents are so cute! Brittany and Anne Marie are doing really well and I love them both! I will definitely take as good of care of them as I can!

The bugs...well there are some HUGE ones, but mostly they are the same size just TONS of them.

I have been able to bathe with amazingly warm water, and I have a bathing shelter, so all is well :)